10 Amazing Uses Of White Vinegar In The Garden


The desire to move away from toxic pesticide, fungicides, herbicides and artificial fertilizer is gaining popularity as health awareness is on the rise.

Growing your own food organically is the alternative, but the tricky pest problem remains, fortunately, vinegar is a great alternative to these artificial toxins! Discover 10 creative ways to harness the power of White Vinegar for a healthier and more productive garden.

1. Use vinegar to keep the fruit fly out of your garden

Vinegar helps ward off insects that attack plants, such as the fruit fly, also known as Drosophila Melanogaster. You must be asking how you can use vinegar to ward off this pest. I advise you to do it as follows: mix in a bottle or can a cup of water, half of apple cider vinegar and half a cup of sugar. As this mixture is sweet, the flies will be entertained with this mixture and will move away from their fruit trees.

2. Use vinegar to keep animals out of your garden and garden

Cats, for example, cannot stand the smell of white wine vinegar, so you can use it to protect your plants. To do this, dip some rags of old cloth in white vinegar and create a kind of “fence” around your garden with them. You will see that it keeps away the most persistent intruders.

3. To water plants that need more acidity, use vinegar

As you may already know, not all plants have the same chemical and biological needs to grow and develop. Some plants need more acidic soil, and therefore you can use vinegar to acidify the medium. Have you tried watering your plants that need more acidity with apple cider vinegar?

For this purpose, I advise you to use the following recipe: a cup of apple cider vinegar for a proportion of three liters of water. But A LOT OF ATTENTION! Do not abuse this aqueous solution as not all plants can withstand a sudden increase in acidity in the soil (therefore, select well the plants where you will apply this homemade recipe). Also, avoid spraying on plants as it can kill many of them.

4. Eliminate weeds in your garden with vinegar

Vinegar can be considered a herbicide. This means that if you put a solution of water and vinegar previously prepared on the weed plants located on the walls or roadsides, they will eventually die. Want to know more about weed plants? Please read my article here.


5. Use vinegar to disinfect garden tools

Do you need to clean the devices you use for gardening or in your garden and need a quick and effective recipe? Use vinegar water for this purpose. You can also use this aqueous solution to disinfect tools, pots, and germination trays, thus preventing the transmission of fungi and diseases that can affect plant growth and development.

6. Remove slugs and snails from your garden

Slugs and snails die with white wine vinegar. How about placing vinegar traps throughout your yard? You can also spray this solution on these enemies in the garden. Do not forget that you should repeat this treatment whenever justified, as well as after rainy days. Also, check that this behavior does not affect the plants in the vicinity (check that the surrounding plants resist white vinegar). If you want to know more ways to end snails and slugs, see this article here.

7. Use vinegar to treat fungus or aphids on plants

Try using a mixture of vinegar with water (through a spray bottle) to remove aphids and other insects that manifest as actual pests on the leaves of plants. You can also use this solution to combat fungi attacks on trees (only if they are not sensitive to vinegar, of course).

8.  Cleaning the tools

Anyone who uses tools either for implantation or for maintenance of the garden or vegetable garden knows that they are super important. The problem is that many times, over time, these utensils end up rusting

9. Increasing the durability of cut flowers

An environment is always more charming when it is decorated with cut flowers. The problem is that these flowers, having been cut, have little durability. But would it be possible to add a solution that would increase the strength of these arrangements? Yes, there is, and for that, you will need white vinegar.

10. Cleaning ceramic vases


Ceramic pots are excellent both for ornamentation and to bring benefits to plants. It works very well when it comes to drainage, as it keeps the plant’s roots moist, without letting them get soaked.

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