Vinegar, Soap, and Salt: Three Simple Ingredients to Combat Garden Weeds

Dandelions in the lawn or moss between patio stones—these weeds are often unwelcome guests, sprouting up where you least want them. Fortunately, there are several natural methods to tackle these pesky plants. While chemical herbicides are effective, they can be harmful to the environment. That’s why we’re sharing a foolproof method to remove weeds between paving stones and bricks that will delight any gardener.

It’s wonderful to relax in a garden full of lush plants or to enjoy the sun on a beautifully designed terrace. Garden enthusiasts know that to enjoy these moments, you must take care of your garden and maintain it. Besides having a green thumb, it’s essential to remove weeds that overgrow and prevent plants from thriving. With simple ingredients from your kitchen, you can create a natural herbicide free from the harmful chemicals found in conventional weed killers. These eco-friendly alternatives do the job just as well, while being healthier and more cost-effective for maintaining your plants.

Homemade Weed Control Recipe


  • 3 liters of white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of dish soap
  • 1 cup of salt


  1. Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle and apply the solution to the weeds every three days, preferably during the sunniest hours of the day, so the mixture burns the plants. This natural remedy also repels mosquitoes, flies, and other insects disturbed by the strong smell of vinegar.
  2. Note that this homemade solution may not work immediately on perennial weeds like quackgrass. The effects will become noticeable over several days, significantly reducing the growth of these plants. Without harming the environment, you’ll gradually eliminate weeds and prevent them from overtaking your green space and damaging other plants and your lawn.
  3. Alternatively, you can replace the dish soap with 2 liters of water and add 3 liters of white vinegar and 1 kilogram of salt. Follow the same procedure, always during warm and sunny weather.

Additional Tips for Natural Weed Control in the Garden and on the Patio

Coarse Salt:

Coarse salt can help you tackle unwanted plants between patio stones. Simply sprinkle it on the weeds to eliminate them. Fine salt can also be used for organic, effective, and inexpensive weed control. After a few days, the weeds will dry out and die. Be sure to apply salt only on the paving stones, not on garden greens.


Vinegar, whether used alone or combined with other ingredients, is an excellent natural herbicide that contains acetic acid. Use it only on stones and paving stones, as it does not distinguish between weeds and other plants. Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and apply it to the weeds, preferably in sunny weather. Avoid rainy days, as the rain may wash away the vinegar before it takes effect.


Vodka is also an excellent alternative for weed control. Mix some vodka with a tablespoon of dish soap and spray this mixture on affected areas during sunny days. This will help you get rid of weeds on paving stones and garden paths.


Cornmeal acts like a birth control method for weeds, preventing seeds from germinating. Sprinkle it on the weed-infested stones; it will also prevent new weeds from growing.

Baking Soda:

Baking soda works similarly to cornmeal and helps combat weeds. This biodegradable white powder seeps into the cracks and works its magic in the soil. After a few days, the weeds will disappear.

Boiling Water:

A particularly cost-effective and environmentally friendly method is boiling water, which proves very effective against weeds. An hour after pouring it, the weeds will lose their vitality and dry out, making it easy to sweep them away the next day. Even the cooking water from vegetables can be used for weed control. Simply pour it over the weeds. The cooking water from pasta also acts as a natural herbicide. Another method is to use the boiling water from potatoes, which is equally effective against weeds.

Weed Burner:

A weed burner is a practical and effective method for thermal weed control. It heats the water in the plant cells, causing the plants to burn and char. This technique also eliminates moss, insects, and fungi. However, avoid using the burner on poison ivy or other toxic plants to prevent inhaling toxic oils.


Though unusual, using newspaper is a very effective method. Moisten the soil and lay a thick layer of newspaper on it, which you also dampen before covering it with mulch. This method smothers the weeds and prevents them from regrowing.


Cover weed-infested areas with mulch to prevent the weeds from contacting the soil. Mulch also blocks sunlight from reaching underground seeds, preventing them from germinating.

Manual Weeding:

An old-fashioned method is manual weeding, where you remove the weeds by hand. Wear gloves and use a garden claw or a sharp planting knife to remove the weeds, roots and all, ensuring they won’t return quickly.

Basil Oil:

Basil oil has herbicidal and fungicidal properties that help fight weeds. Add a few drops of basil oil to your homemade herbicide and apply this mixture to the garden or patio areas that need treatment. This effective solution will rid your outdoor space of annoying weeds.

With these natural and cost-effective methods, you can effectively control weeds while protecting the environment. Your garden and patio will shine anew, allowing you to fully enjoy the beauty of your green oasis.