Do you have aluminum foil? – Then you should definitely try these tricks!
Probably you also have aluminum foil at home. Therefore, you should definitely know these tips with aluminum foil!
1) Sharpen your scissors with aluminum foil by folding a piece of it a few times and then cutting through the aluminum foil with the scissors over and over again. This will sharpen your scissors.
For lime stains on the faucet, take a piece of aluminum foil and shape it into a ball. Wet it a bit and rub it over the faucets to make lime spots disappear immediately.
3.Grab small pieces of aluminum foil and put them in the freezer for a few hours. Then fold them and put them on your eyes. This will help you get puffy eyes and bags under your eyes under control. Leave them on your eyes for 20 minutes. 4.
Aluminum foil can also help you in the dryer. Form a ball out of a piece of aluminum foil, throw it in the clothes dryer and start it. The aluminum foil prevents the static charging of the laundry. You can use this ball over and over again and never have to throw it away.
If you don’t have a suitable battery, you can fold a piece of aluminum foil and use it to make a battery that is too small to fit into the shaft of the battery, thus enlarging the battery. Do this only temporarily, remove it when not in use and buy the right battery as soon as possible.
6) Are your dishes not so shiny anymore? Then fold a piece of aluminum foil into a ball so that the shiny side is facing out. Now put this ball directly to the cutlery and start your dishwasher. Remove the piece of aluminum foil afterwards. Your cutlery will now shine more beautifully!
Do you have burnt spots on a casserole dish? Then you can put some hot water in it, plus a drop of dishwashing liquid. Form a piece of aluminum foil through a ball and wipe through the casserole dish to remove all burnt spots.
- don’t have a funnel in the house? Then take a piece of aluminum foil, shape it to fit, and you’ll have a funnel to prevent a mess.
9 You can also clean silver jewelry with aluminum foil. Take a bowl and line it with aluminum foil. Then tip some salt into this bowl, put the jewelry in it and tip hot water over it. Let it soak for some time before you take it out and wipe it dry. After that, the jewelry will really shine again!
If you are sick, you can wrap your feet in aluminum foil. Leave them in it for 1 hour, so you will get rid of a cold much faster.
These were all the aluminum foil tricks, try them out for yourself.